PUBLICATIONS  (Monograms, catalogs & books)

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il Sacro, Photos by Frank Dituri
Introduction by David A. Lewis, PhD, Art Historian
Stephen F. Austin University Press, 2019
Nacogdoches, Texas,
8.75x12 inches, 100 pages, 57 color photos

The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.   Francis Bacon

Frank Dituri’s photographs brought together here. At once highly personal and universal in addressing the human condition, the photographs in il Sacro. reflect a desire to encounter the sacred, to transport viewers to hallowed places—both real and imagined—places in proximity to the numinous…Rather than merely taking pictures of the outward, physical reality in front of the camera, Frank Dituri creates photographs that express the inner experience of the person behind it. His images are evocative and poetic.

From the INTRODUCTION by David A. Lewis, PhD, Art Historian

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UNEASY HALOES, Photos by Frank Dituri
Introduction by John Handley, PhD, Director, Cole Art Center , SFA University, Texas
Afterword by David A. Lewis, PhD, Art Historian
Stephen F. Austin University Press, 2017
Nacogdoches, Texas,
8.3x11.8 inches, 78 pages, inside folded covers, 36 color photos

Dituri has captured this essence visually with his solitary and silent contemplation of space, of the sacred image, where faith is embraced: holy spaces glimmering with candles, windows filled with rays of sunlight that act like portals to another reality, an unknown awesome place—a destination....

I am reminded of the pondering of little Stephen Dedalus in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, where he wonders: 

“What was after the universe? Nothing. But was there anything round the universe to show where it stopped before the nothing place began? It could not be a wall but there could be a thin thin line there all around everything. It was very big to think about everything and everywhere. Only God could do that…. ”   

And in his remarkable photographs, Frank Dituri gives us momentary glimpses of that mysterious “everything and everywhere.”

From the INTRODUCTION by John Handley, PhD, Director, Cole Art Center



aga pí fres-cia 
Poems by Pier Paolo Pasolini / Photos by Frank Dituri
Essay by Roberto Mutti, Photo art critic, Milano, Italy
Essay by Fran Kaufman, Independent Curator, New York City
Published for C.Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland
by Stephen F. Austin State University Press, 2017
Nacogdoches, Texas,
6.5x10 inches, 84 pages, inside folded covers, 63 black/white photos

There in the northeast along the canals, farms and dirt roads
in winter I touched the earth
It reminded me of my father’s beloved garden
It was sacred, it was religious
his own private chapel a small pot of land in front of our house
enclosed with a silver linked fence that he repainted every spring
and in the center, like an altar on a cement pedestal
there was a fountain a goddess pouring water from a Roman vase

Every planting season my father would work and turn the land into large chunks of earth
that looked like bodies intertwined melted together into strange figures

As a little boy with my nose up against the fence I would watch in wonder
I did not know it at the time but maybe it was in the garden
that I began to understand about poetry
among the tomatoes, string beans, zucchini
I learned a little about myself

Excerpt from letter to Pier Paolo Pasolini by Frank Dituri



FATA, Photos by Frank Dituri
Essay by David A. Lewis, Art History Professor, SFA University, Texas
Essay by Fran Kaufman, Indpendent Curator, New York City
Stephen F. Austin University Press, 2015
Nacogdoches, Texas,
8.3x11.8 inches, 64 pages, inside folded covers, 26 color photos

Fairy tales are fascinating. As children we respond best to the happy ending, the safety of home and the familiar, of loving arms gathering us in. Concurrently, there is the thrill of the journey, perilous, fraught with the unknown, the strange and the marvelous. Or the mundane transformed: holes in the ground lead to new worlds, trees speak, frogs turn into princes. All of those shadowy images lurk at the edge of our consciousness. Magic is everywhere. With the blink of an eye, the twitch of a nose, a misstep or a wrong turn, life and all we believe to be true can be challenged, even turned on its head...
And so we join in, complicit in the desire to follow each mysterious tale to its ending.

Le fiabe sono affascinanti. Da bambini ne apprezziamo il lieto fine, confortati dalla sicurezza della casa e della famiglia e dalle braccia affettuose pronte a consolarci. Ma c’è anche l’emozione del viaggio con il brivido dell’incognita, dell’insolito e del meraviglioso, della metamorfosi del quotidiano: buche nel terreno che diventano porte per altri mondi, alberi parlanti, rane che si rivelano prìncipi. Tutte queste immagini confuse si nascondono al limite della nostra coscienza. La magia è ovunque: con un batter d’occhio, un cenno del naso, un passo falso o una svolta sbagliata, la vita e tutto quello che crediamo reale può essere messo in dubbio, rivoluzionato...  
E non possiamo che prendere parte all’avventura, in balìa del desiderio di seguire ogni racconto fino alla fine.

Fran Kaufman, Independent Curator, New York City


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PRAY, Photos by Frank Dituri
Essay by David A. Lewis, Art History Professor, SFA University, Texas
Elmar Libri, Limena (Padova), Italy, 2013,
In the USA distributed by Stephen F. Austin University Press,
22x33 cm, 82 pages, inside folded covers, 52 black/white & color photos

"I was visiting Texas when my host invited me to a gathering of friends who get together weekly for a jam session of what they call traditional music. After a while Miky Lynn appeared−she was late because she needed to spend time with her daughter who recently had a baby. Miky sang a couple of songs with the group. Then Charlie asked her if she knew any Italian arias. She humbly replied, “I only know one that I sometimes sing with my family.” She picked up her guitar and began singing Puccini’s “o mio babbino caro” (from the opera Gianni Schicchi). I thought to myself, doesn’t this crazy cowgirl know that you can’t sing Puccini on a guitar? But with elegance and grace she sang flawlessly, bringing tears to all. Finished, there was stillness. She disappeared. That night somewhere in Texas, I learned that angels come in many different forms and that every once in a while you get lucky and allowed to visit heaven."

"Mentre visitavo il Texas, il mio ospite mi invitò ad un raduno di amici che si incontravano ogni settimana per improvvisare della musica tradizionale. Dopo un po’ apparve Miky Lynn - era in ritardo perché aveva passato del tempo con la figlia, recentemente diventata madre. Miky cantò un paio di canzoni col gruppo. Poi Charlie le chiese se conoscesse qualche aria italiana. Ella, umilmente, rispose “Conosco solo una che qualche volta canto con la mia famiglia”. Prese la chitarra e cominciò a cantare “O mio babbino caro” di Puccini (dall’opera Gianni Schicchi). Ho pensato: ma questa pazza mandriana non sa che non si può cantare Puccini con una chitarra? Invece ella cantò con grazia ed eleganza, in modo impeccabile, commuovendoci tutti. Quando terminò, ci fu il silenzio e lei andò via. Quella notte, da qualche parte nel Texas, ho imparato che gli angeli si manifestano in tante forme e che, una volta ogni tanto, sei abbastanza fortunato da poter visitare il paradiso".



Photos by Frank Dituri
Russian essay by Andrey Martynov, Head Director of the Moscow Biennale, Russia
Institute of Italian Culture in Moscow, Russia, 2013
8.3x11.8 inches, 64 pages, inside folded covers, 50 black and white photos

За внешней простотой фотографий Фрэнка Дитури скрывается глубокая культура, большая эрудиция и каждодневная работа над собой. Дитури – фотограф от бога. Каким-то мистическим образом он чувствует приближение момента, когда нужно щелкнуть затвором фотоаппарата. Часто Фрэнк даже не смотрит в объектив, а снимает “навскидку”. Причем этот момент может наступить в самых разных местах – на улице древнего итальянского города, в соборе, в лесу, во время прогулки среди полей, в самых разных, зачастую очень сложных условиях освещенности. Фрэнк Дитури всегда внутренне собран и готов к такому моменту. Причем, попавшее в кадр изображение – это не просто фиксация увиденного. Скорее Дитури чудесным образом приоткрывает тайну, скрывающуюся ЗА изображением.
Мне по душе такая как у него - сложная. “многослойная” фотография, призывающая к размышлениям и пробуждающая разнообразные глубокие эмоции у неравнодушного зрителя. Нас вот уже более десяти лет связывает совместная работа по международным фото-проектам и дружба. Поэтому я всегда рад новой возможности привезти выставку Дитури в Россию.

Андрей Мартынов (Andrey Martynov, Head Director of the Moscow Biennale)


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OF THINGS NOT SEEN, Photos by Frank Dituri
Forward by David A. Lewis, Art History Professor, SFA University, Texas
Essay by Naomi Rosenblum, Photo Art Historian
Stephen F. Austin University Press, 2012
Nacogdoches, Texas,
10x10 inches, 160 pages, hardcover with cover jacket, 91 b/w & 20 color photos

"A semi-retrospective review of forty years work by Frank Dituri. Art historian David Lewis takes us on a journey beginning with Dituri’s early street photography, continues with the evocative works in black and white of the past two decades, and finishes with a look at the artist’s new work in color. Rather than follow a strictly chronological order, Dr. Lewis presents the work thematically and interprets it in metaphysical and experiential terms." 

Available at:
Texas A&M University Press,
In Europe: ELMAR LIBRI, Limena (Padova), Italy,
Online at and selected book stores


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TO WHISPER, Photo book by Frank Dituri
"A survey of a ten-year period of work (2000-2010) dealing with dreams
and metaphysical issues."
Essays by Gianluigi Colon, Naomi Rosenblum and Mauro Manetti
Punto Marte edizioni, Treviso, Italy, 2010,
Hardcover, 11x11 inches, 112 pages, 55 black and white photos
Available at:


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IN PRESENZA, Photo book by Frank Dituri
Essays by Naomi Rosenblum and Amelio D’Oronfrio
Moretti&Vitali Editor, Beragmo, Italy, 2010
84 pages, 10x10 inches, 51 black/white photographs
Available at:


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GAIA (Monogram), Introduction by Fran Kaufman
La Medusa Centro di Cultura, Este (PD), Italy / Rosenberg+Kaufman Fine Art, New York, 2009
Essay by Fran Kaufman, Art Consultant
Published by The Christopher Ricardo Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Inc.
Aventura, Florida,   Available at: 
48 pages, 16x16 cm. black and white photos 

"In Greek mythology, Gaia is a primordial and chthonic deity, considered Goddess of the Earth. Gaia is the Mother Goddess of all creation. The book is a collection of many of the photos that contain the female figure in relation to the surrounding environment."



ARBOS (catalog), Photos by Frank Dituri & Drawings from Mauro Manetti
Libera Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, Italy, 2008, LABA
Available at:



BLUEBIRD IN MY WINDOW (photo book), Photos by Frank Dituri
El León Literary Arts, Berkeley, California, 2007
Available at:


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DRÁITE A U MÉURE (photo book), Photos by Frank Dituri
El León Literary Arts, Berkeley, California, 2007
Available at:

PALAZZO DUCALE - Gubbio (catalog), Photos by Frank Dituri
Palazzo Ducale, Gubbio (PG), Italy, 2009

LANDSCAPE IN MOTION (museum catalog), Photos by Frank Dituri & Avigail Schimmel
The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat-Gan, Jerusalem, Israel, 2007

I SOJ TORNAT DI ESTÀT, Photos by Frank Dituri, Piergiorgio Branzi & Elio Ciol
Centro Studi Pier Paolo Pasolini, Casarsa, Italy, 2008

ZOLLE (catalog), Photos by Frank Dituri
Commune di Vinci (FI), Italy, 2005

AGI PI FRES-CIA (photo & poetry book), Photos by Frank Dituri & Poems by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Federico Motta Editore, Milano, Italy, 2001

LUX LUNAE (catalog), Photos by Frank Dituri
Rosenberg+Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY, 2001

LUMEZZANE (catalog), Photographs by Frank Dituri
Taranto Gallery, New York, NY, 2000

PERCHÈ NO (catalog), Photographs by Frank Dituri
The Alternative Museum, New York, NY, 1999

BLESS ME FATHER (photo book), Photographs by Frank Dituri
Edition Heliodor, Westbury, NY, 1999

BAMBINI FOTOGRAFI, New York, Franco Fontana / Maniago, Frank Dituri
Learning Through Art Children Program, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1998

AIO (photo book), Photographs by Frank Dituri
Metonimia, Porto Saint'Elpidio (AP), Italy, 1998

NON EST (monogram), Photographs by Frank Dituri
San Pietro Incontri D'Arte, Asti, Italy, 1996

PORTRAITS (exhibition catalog), Frank Dituri & Sonia Foschi
Silvia Evangelisti, Accademia di Belle Arti, Bologna, Italy, 1996

BOOKMARKS (museum catalog), Photographs by Frank Dituri
Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma, Italy, 1994

NO PARKING ANYTIME (exhibition catalog), Frank Dituri & Leonardo Nobili
StudioArte 87, Spoleto, Italy, 1994    

BOOKMARKS (monogram), Photographs by Frank Dituri
Pubidea, Castel di Sangro (AQ), Italy, 1993

PROXIMITY (monogram), Photographs by Frank Dituri
Edition Heliodor, Westbury, NY, 1992

BUT I SAW IT... (photo & poetry book), Frank Dituri & Soichi Furuta
Campo d'Osservazione, Perugia, Italy, 1991

INFRART (monogram), Photographs by Frank Dituri
Campo d'Osservazione, Gubbio, Italy, 1991    

ZIO (poetry book), Story and illustrations by Frank Dituri  
Heliodor Publications, Westbury, NY, 1988

MOSSA (photo & poetry book), Photos & poetry by Frank Dituri
Edition Heliodor, Westbury, NY, 1985    

JUBILIOS, (book), Ballet photographs by Frank Dituri 
WGBH Television, Boston, MA, 1983   
A MAN NEVER BECOMING A LINE (monogram), Photos by Frank Dituri & Poems by Soichi Furuta  
Edition Heliodor, Westbury, NY, 1979,  

DECEMBER (monogram), Photographs by Frank Dituri & Richard Leonard  
Ledi Press, New York, NY, 1977  

ALL IN GOOD HUMOR (children book), Frank Dituri & Peter Yaspan
Wolfart Book Company, Princeton, New Jersey, 1971


© Frank Dituri